Live Toast

A beautiful drop-in replacement for the Phoenix Flash system.

Getting Started

What is LiveToast?

LiveToast is a drop-in replacement for your `flash-group` component. It has two main components/features:

  1. It provides a toast message system, that you can call from a function in your LiveView components.
  2. It also continues to render your app's flash messages, in the same style, so your users can't tell the difference (you should migrate them to the toast system, though!)


Here's a sneak peak of some of the customization options LiveToast provides:


Regular calls to send_toast will render a toast message with the default styles.


If you want to update an existing toast, you can call send_toast with the same UUID multiple times.


LiveToast also continues to render your app's flash messages, in the same style as the new toasts.

You can also use arbitrary severity levels. If you want to add another level like "warning", refer to the documentation here.


You can set the duration of different toasts. If you set duration to 0, they will stay until dismissed (like flashes). The default duration is 6000ms.


The default component can be anchored to the top right, top left, bottom right, or bottom left of the screen.


You may pass an optional :title string to send_toast.


You may pass an optional :icon function to send_toast. It is expected to be a function component, which takes assigns and returns heex.


You may pass an optional :action function to send_toast. It is expected to be a function component, which takes assigns and returns heex.

Kitchen Sink

If you need total customization, you may pass a :component function to send_toast. It is expected to be a function component, which takes assigns and returns heex.

It will totally take over rendering for that call, so that you can render totally custom toasts. It receives all the assigns of the built in toast function. See the default implementation in GitHub for an example.